Order Information

Find your order number
Your order number is listed in your Order Confirmation email—sent right after you place an order. It also appears in your Shipping Confirmation email, along with the tracking number for your package. If you are a registered user, you can also find your order number by going to your Order History in My Account.

Track your order
Once you place your order online, we take 1 to 2 business days to process it. When it's ready to ship, you'll receive a Shipping Confirmation email with your tracking number. Depending on your location, your order will arrive within 1-7 business days. To track your order, follow these instructions:

Step 1: Retrieve your Shipping Confirmation email.

Step 2: Click on Track My Package. You’ll be able to see order details and shipping information.

You can also view and track your order by logging into My Account.

Modify or cancel an order
Your order cannot be modified or canceled once it is submitted. We recommend returning the items(s) upon receipt or placing a new order. In the unfortunate event, we have to cancel your order because the merchandise is out of stock, we will contact you with a follow-up email.